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8 Things Your Accountant Should Have Told You

8 Things Your Accountant Should Have Told You

When it comes to running your own limited company, it can be a bit of a minefield finding the right people to support you with the right things, and to give you the best for the here and now, as well as the future. You’re an expert at what you do, so you want your...

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10 Ways to Win in Business in a Stagnant Economy

10 Ways to Win in Business in a Stagnant Economy

It’s no secret that times have been tough for small businesses in recent years.  Between pandemics, the cost-of-living crisis and the tough UK economy, it may have felt anything from tough to downright miserable. A report released in 2023, titled The Economy 2030...

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September 2023 Economic Update

September 2023 Economic Update

It’s still expected that the UK will escape a recession. The UK economy did grow by 0.2% in the quarter to June 2023, according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS).  This was up from 0.1% in the previous quarter.  Monthly June actually grew by 0.5% compared to...

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8 Reasons You Might Need a New Accountant

8 Reasons You Might Need a New Accountant

Finances can make or break any business, which is why it’s so important to have a quality outsourced partner in your accountant. How do you know you when you’ve struck gold with your accountant though? Well, if you’ve experienced any of the following you probably...

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The First and Easiest Step to Avoid Business Failure

The First and Easiest Step to Avoid Business Failure

It is, unfortunately, a fact of business that not all make it. The Office of National Statistics in March 2020 (pre-pandemic) reported that 80% of businesses don’t make it to their 2nd year of trade.  Of those that do, only circa 40% are still operational 5 years...

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