Frequently Asked Questions

How do I change accountants? Is it easy?

It’s very easy to change from one accountant to another.  Accountants, as a professional courtesy, must transfer information related to a client upon request. 

This transfer of information is often called a Professional Clearance.  We write to your previous accountant and request everything we require to begin your service with us.  We include a letter, signed by you, authorising your previous accountant to release information to us.

How much do you charge?

We offer fixed fees linked to the value of what we provide, and our services are tailored to your specific needs.  If you’re interested in our services, get in touch and arrange a free Discovery Call with us, so we can discuss the service that best suits you – for the best price!

Do I really need an accountant?

You don’t need to have an accountant by law, no.  

However, it is often best to have an accountant.  Having an accountant can give you peace of mind that everything accounting and tax related is being done in the best way, and that you’re not opening yourself up to any risk anywhere – especially of under or over paying tax. 

The benefits of having an accountant can often outweigh any costs involved.  Here’s a helpful article to give you more information: 

Do I Really Need an Accountant?

And remember, our costs are tax deductible for your business!

Can an accountant save me money in tax?

Yes, having an accountant can often save you money in tax.  As accountants, we’re always looking for the most tax efficient solution, to help save you money. 

We have services that come with a Business Review Meeting included, at no extra cost, that takes place prior to the end of your business’s year, so we can help you be as tax savvy and efficient as possible. 

We also take the time to talk with you, so we know what your goals are, so we can help tailor your tax efficiencies to your goals.

What service do I need?

What service you need will depend on what type of business you operate and, sometimes, how big your business is.

If you’re a sole trader you may just need support with your self assessment, or you might want to have a set of accounts prepared as well, so you can best see what’s going on in your business.

Limited companies will always need support with the preparation of statutory accounts and corporation tax returns, but the shareholder and/or directors might need a self assessment as well.

Whether you operate as a sole trader business or limited company, you may need help with bookkeeping support, so you can spend your time on revenue and profit driving activities, rather than doing your own bookkeeping.

Here’s a link to our service page, if you want to have a look at the services we provide:


Or get in touch to discuss your specific needs with us, so we can help you with the service that best suits you.

Should I set my business up as a sole trader or limited company?

We have this article that will give you some more information on this: 

Limited Company or Sole Trader

Which option is best for you depends on a whole range of factors.  We suggest getting in touch so we can discuss this further with you, so you can be sure you chose the right option for your circumstances.

What records do I need to keep for my business and/or tax returns?

You need to keep all sales invoices, and invoices and receipts for things you purchase, for 7 years.  

HMRC can enquire up to 7 years in the past, which is why you must keep these records – in case you’re ever asked to prove something from during this time. 

We provide Dext free of charge to all our clients, which helps with record keeping.  Dext is HMRC compliant, meaning it will keep a picture of all transactions for the required timeframe.  This means you don’t need to keep the physical copy, if you don’t want to – which is efficient and saves on storage and filing space. 

Other software, such as Hubdoc, is also HMRC compliant, and helps with this process.

What can I claim back through my business and/or tax return?

There are slight differences of what you can claim, depending on whether you operate as a sole trader or limited company business, or you’re a landlord of a residential property or furnished holiday let property.

Watch this space for a helpful checklist…

Which accounting and finance system is best?

We include Xero free of charge to our clients, because it’s modern, dynamic and has different versions that we can use to best support our clients.  Xero also connects to other software, to help you efficiently streamline ways of working. 

Multiple users can be in Xero at any one time, with no issues.  It has a full suite of reports, and helpful features to cut down the time it takes for a business owner to manage their business, like repeating invoices for monthly service invoicing. 

You can create invoices on your phone or tablet while on the go, and it has automatic bank feeds, so will pull your bank transactions directly into Xero for you, without you having to download the transactions from the bank and upload them into the system. 

Want to know more about how Xero can help your business?  Get in touch!

Are you taking on new clients right now?

Yes, we are taking on new clients right now.

If you’d like a free, no obligation, Discovery Call and initial Strategy Session, get in touch!